
Geoplant Vivai > Products > Cherry > Henriette


Henriette is a brand-new late ripening variety of cherry tree with German origin.



Henriette Variety

Henriette is a brand-new late ripening variety of cherry tree with German origin. This variety has a very good and constant yield, especially in those areas that are particularly suited for growing late ripening cherries– e.g. the Alpine arc; its fruit is heart-shaped with a very long stem. L’epoca di fioritura è tardiva e ottimi impollinatori sono Kordia, Regina, Ferrovia, Carmen e Areko. Thanks to its features, Henriette is the perfect competitor to be flanked by Kordia, or even to replace it, specifically in all those areas where late frosts and bad weather conditions may cause major production losses to Kordia, which is still the market leader of late ripening varieties.

Maturazione: +5 Kordia
Prodotta su licenza Star Fruits (Francia)
Perfect pollinators: Kordia, Regina, Ferrovia, Carmen and Areko varieties.
Epoca di fioritura: tardiva
Calibro medio: 30 mm
Acidità: media

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