Devil Gala*

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Devil Gala*

Devil Gala* has been recently released as a Gala clone, but it is already one of the most widespread and well-known clones in Europe.



Devil Gala* Variety

Devil Gala* has been recently released as a Gala clone, but it is already one of the most widespread and well-known clones in Europe. Standard plant vigour and habit, typical of the Gala cultivars, its fruits feature a bright and intense red colour, even in lowland areas, and they share the same pomological characteristics of Galas, i.e. low tart flavour, medium-early ripening with crisp and sweet flesh.

Prodotta su licenza Vivai F.lli Zanzi (Italia)
Costitutore G.Zanzi (Italia)
Privativa comunitaria: CPVR n. 52909
Vigoria: media
Portamento: Standard
Epoca di fioritura: Medio-precoce
Colorazione: uniforme, non striata
Impollinatori: Golden B, meli da fiore

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