Fuji SAN-civ® fuciv51*

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Fuji SAN-civ® fuciv51*

Fuji SAN-civ® fuciv51* is a recently introduced Fuji clone whose interesting aspect is its solid red skin colour that doesn’t fade even in lowland areas.



Fuji SAN-civ® fuciv51* Variety

Fuji SAN-civ® fuciv51* is a recently introduced Fuji clone whose interesting aspect is its solid red skin colour that doesn’t fade even in lowland areas. Its vigour and habit are typical of Fuji clones as well as the classic very aromatic flavour of its fruit, which is almost tart; also, it has an excellent shelf life. Pay the utmost attention to its alternate bearing that is typical of Fuji clones: long pruning is recommended.

Prodotta su licenza CIV (Italia)
Costitutore M.Leis, A.Martinelli (Italia)
Privativa comunitaria: CPVR n. 52910
Vigoria: Elevata
Portamento: Standard
Epoca di fioritura: Medio-tardiva
Colorazione: uniforme, non striata
Impollinatori: Granny Smith, meli da fiore


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