Talia G14527*

Geoplant Vivai > Products > Strawberry > Talia G14527*

Talia G14527*

High-chilling-requirement June-bearer variety, suitable for continental climate, rustic of medium vigor. Upright, but compact habit, of high productivity (1 Kg/plant).



Talia G14527* Variety

Plant: High-chilling-requirement June-bearer variety, suitable for continental climate, rustic of medium vigor. Upright, but compact habit, of high productivity (1 Kg/plant).

Flowering and picking: late flowering (+10 days Alba) at the same level of the foliage, late ripening time (+14 days Alba). Easy fruit picking.

Fruit: high average size (29 g.), of conical shape, bright red color, and red flesh. Both shape and colour are uniform along all the picking period. High firmness and good resistance to handling. Better organoleptic characteristics than the period-competitors. Good shelf-life.

Agronomic advice: an early plantation is not necessary. Talia can be cultivated in greenhouse and even better in open-field to make the most of its late ripening period. Tolerant to the most common strawberry diseases.

® Trademark reproduction prohibited. * Variety protected, multiplication prohibited

Community right no. 2018/1995
Selected in the trial fields of Geoplant Vivai srl soc. agr.

Apparently they have nothing in common, but strawberries and roses belong to the same family. A distinctive feature is the very sweet scent that the strawberry plant emanates during flowering.

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