Bigarreau Burlat Variety
Bigarreau Burlat is one of the reference varieties in the early season. The plant has a medium-elevated vigor, quite spreading habit and very easy to managed. The flowering is early, located mainly on the darts and on laterals. The fruit is medium-sized (26-28 mm) with a cordiform-depressed shape with a medium-length peduncle. The fruit is medium sized with soft pulp, medium peduncle and light-red skin. The taste and the organoleptic characteristics are very good. The sensitivity to cracking is quite elevated. B.Burlat is not a self-fertile variety but is a very good pollinators for several mid-early varieties. Bigarreau Burlat is well adapted for low, medium and high density orchards.
® Trademark reproduction prohibited. * Variety protected, multiplication prohibited
Ripening: MAY, 25TH
Flowering time: EARLY
Pollinators: LAPINS
Flavor: GOOD
Acidity: MEDIUM
Data referring to Emilia Romagna region