Bigarreau Burlat

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Bigarreau Burlat

Bigarreau Burlat is one of the reference varieties in the early season.



Bigarreau Burlat Variety

Bigarreau Burlat is one of the reference varieties in the early season. The plant has a medium-elevated vigor, quite spreading habit and very easy to managed. The flowering is early, located mainly on the darts and on laterals. The fruit is medium-sized (26-28 mm) with a cordiform-depressed shape with a medium-length peduncle. The fruit is medium sized with soft pulp, medium peduncle and light-red skin. The taste and the organoleptic characteristics are very good. The sensitivity to cracking is quite elevated. B.Burlat is not a self-fertile variety but is a very good pollinators for several mid-early varieties. Bigarreau Burlat is well adapted for low, medium and high density orchards.

® Trademark reproduction prohibited. * Variety protected, multiplication prohibited

Ripening: MAY, 25TH
Flowering time: EARLY
Pollinators: LAPINS
Flavor: GOOD
Acidity: MEDIUM

Data referring to Emilia Romagna region

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